We have 07 days exchange or money back guarantee. Just send us the items with original receipt and in sale-able condition. For more information Click Here
Delivery takes 1-5 days. We will try our best that you receive your orders at your earliest..
You can request a password reminder by clicking on ‘Sign Up/Sign In’, click ‘Forgot your password?’ enter your email address, you should receive an email with a link to reset your password.
If you receive the wrong item then send it back to us at the time of delivery. We will send you the correct item assuming we still have the product and size in stock, otherwise refund you the amount.
Simply click on a category at the top of the screen, then choose a sub-category and browse the collection. Alternatively, use the ‘search’ link on the website and type in the product code or a description of the item you are looking for.
We advise that registering with us is beneficial, not only will you be able to take advantage of our special offers and discounts but you can also keep track of your order from confirmation to delivery. If you do not have an email address to register with us, you can use your mobile number as your login. Please call the customer service team on +92 300 1569999 for assistance.
You can view the size chart Here
Shipping is free on orders over Rs. 2999/-. For Orders less then 2999 we charge Rs. 200/- standard shipping fee. For more information Click Here
We accept payment through Cash on Delivery, Credit Card, Online Banking & Bank Deposite.
Yes, all prices are including taxes.
Yes, before order confirmation by our Order Fulfilment Department you can cancel your order. Please email us at info@jayblue.store for further assistance.
We provide you the facility of making cash payments at time of delivery of the confirmed order. The payment will be required to be made to the delivery boy at time of receiving the product. Please ensure that the product packaging has not been tampered with, before making the payment and receiving the order. Kindly note you will need to make the payment before opening the product packaging.
JayBlue is committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. Please be assured that your personal information is kept confidential and is never shared with any third party. For more Information Click Here